; Mental Health Services | Mental Health Counseling

The Positive Living Group

Mental Health Counseling in Tennessee

Our mental health services in Jackson, Tennessee, are backed by research and based on positive psychology to ensure that we are offering the best support possible.

Positive Psychology is the study of the strengths that permit individuals and societies to thrive. It is based on science that focuses on the strengths of a community or person. Positive Psychology is the belief that individuals want to live lives that are fulfilling, and in order to do that, they cultivate positive attributes, address areas of concern, and build upon their strengths.

This belief has also been used to treat various mental health concerns, reduce stress, and improve quality of life. It has been shown to be a successful foundation for mental health counseling, a variety of therapies, and substance abuse treatment.

Our Mission

The Positive Living Group will provide evidence-based treatment, a forward-thinking approach, and the most cutting-edge, research-based therapy models along with coaching to facilitate growth and change.

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Couple's, Marriage, Co-Parenting, & Family Counseling

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Childhood, Adolescent, & Adult Trauma Therapy

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